Together with our suppliers, we were proud to assist in the donations and transportation of donations for the Knysna Fires and Port Elizabeth Fires.

We at Kelsaf Packaging endeavour to give back to our communities as best as we can. We saw the need for transportation of donations from East London and Queenstown areas to the necessary areas in Knysna and Port Elizabeth devastated by the fires.

Kelsaf Packaging in East London Eastern Cape packing donations for the Knysna fires and Port Elizabeth Fires.
Kelsaf Packaging in East London Eastern Cape packing donations for the Knysna fires and Port Elizabeth Fires.
Kelsaf Packaging in East London Eastern Cape packing donations for the Knysna fires and Port Elizabeth Fires.
Kelsaf Packaging in East London Eastern Cape packing donations for the Knysna fires and Port Elizabeth Fires.
Kelsaf Packaging in East London Eastern Cape packing donations for the Knysna fires and Port Elizabeth Fires.
Kelsaf Packaging in East London Eastern Cape packing donations for the Knysna fires and Port Elizabeth Fires.
Kelsaf Packaging in East London Eastern Cape packing donations for the Knysna fires and Port Elizabeth Fires.
Kelsaf Packaging in East London Eastern Cape packing donations for the Knysna fires and Port Elizabeth Fires.